Origami Art With Stacie

Cousins are the best friends. You grew up together in the same extended family and have known each other since birth. The more time you spend together, the more in common you seem to have. Today was all of that and more.


Our friend, Stacie, is an Origami Artist and was willing to share her art techniques with us. Fold here, fold there, press that, keep it on the surface, start over, repeat. Whew! Practice, practice, practice! She has such patience which is the sign of a great teacher. And we learned.


It takes a desire to learn how but Stacie is into practice and kept saying “one more” until I finally made one without her having to assist! “I did it all by myself” on about number 6.  “Now make another one,” she said.  I kept folding.


Make one tomorrow morning when you get up so you don’t forget!


After she left, I made one more—so I wouldn’t forget! It’s the brown flowered one in the right front corner.


Stacie made three of these and I made the rest. Hers are perfect….mine not so much but can you tell which are hers and which are mine?


And she left a gift from her tinygami collection that appears to be metal but in reality is gold paper. Thanks, Stacie, for your expertise, patience and willingness to share!


Check out Stacie on her tinygami blog site:  http://www.tinygami.com/ and follow her Michigan adventures in Origami Art with her new tinygami project for ArtPrize2015 in September. She is working on 4,000 tiny cranes for the project for this upcoming competition! The cousins are definitely rooting for her!

8 thoughts on “Origami Art With Stacie

    • There isn’t much that is common about Stacie’s tinygami cranes. We haven’t figured out how she folds them smaller than a dime with her hands. She’s made thousands. In Japan it is said that if you fold a thousand cranes you can then make a wish and it will come true.


      • Tiny ones…..Cute!

        Re: “common” I was referring to Origami in general, probably highest % of them are cranes, albeit if you get an Origami book you’d see there are infinite kinds.


  1. Thank you for your kind words Ellen. It was very fun for me to show you how to make the cranes. I’m so glad you were able to remember the pattern the next morning. Keep folding and message me if you need a refresher tutorial via email 🙂 Oh, and I agree with Jerry, the crane is the most common/well known of all of the origami folds.


  2. Just out of sight beautiful, well, now you can make  hope you never forget how to make one, now you can write down how and send to me how to make one I am sure my Japanese friend can make them quickly, she showed us how one time at Bluebills and I did make a couple but would never be able to make as many as your cousin can, no patience for it..   I have seen on TV how some buy and live in those small small trailers,  amazing, I always felt they were so small I’d be afraid I’d come home to find it missing someone hauled it off. also saw where a man built one for a homeless mother he felt so sorry for, built it right on the curb.. she was so grateful for a place off the ground to live in.. problem is where to park them of course,,  anyway, I’d no way be able to handle that, too paranoid no doubt but admire those who can cope..   Thanks for sharing, was fun reading about her, too short though she seems very interesting and has lots to say I bet in person.. nice to have for a close cousin..   xoxo


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